Salto bloco | Trend Alert

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Salto bloco | Trend Alert

Olá gentem!!! Vamos falar de salto bloco hoje? Adianto que gosto muito, tenho alguns modelos bem confortáveis, inclusive tem looks aqui no Blog.

As sandálias de salto bloco podem ser usadas do dia-a-dia e a noite com grande facilidade. Por isso selecionei alguns modelos para vocês.

Let’s talk about block jumping today? Besides that I like a lot, I have some very comfortable models, even has looks here in the Blog.

Block heel sandals can be worn day-to-day and evening with great ease. So I selected some models for you.

Selecionei alguns modelos da loja FSJ Shoes, lindos por sinal para mostrar para vocês e falar um pouco mais sobre esse modelo.

I selected some models from the FSJ Shoes store, beautiful by the way to show for you and talk a little more about this model.

Block heel sandals take you from day to night with ease. Get the look with our range of block heels, block heel sandals, suede block heel sandals. Block heels at FSJ offering the modern energy, style and personalized service of FSJ shoes, in an enhanced, easy-to-navigate shopping experience.

Esses modelos já entraram para minha lista de desejos. As sandálias de salto bloco foram as queridinhas na década de 70 e voltaram com tudo com modelos repaginados, modernos e confortáveis.

Muito coloridos, com estampas, aplicações é o que você pode encontrar nesses modelos hoje.

These models have already entered my wish list. The high heel sandals were the darlings in the 70’s and came back with everything with repaginated, modern and comfortable models.

Very colorful, with prints, applications is what you can find in these models today.

Navy Block Heel Sandals

Block heel sandals take you from day to night with ease. Get the look with our range of block heels, block heel sandals, suede block heel sandals. Block heels at FSJ offering the modern energy, style and personalized service of FSJ shoes, in an enhanced, easy-to-navigate shopping experience.

Navy color-Trust, dignity, intelligence, authority.A navy suit is professional business attire. Navy shoes are suitable for work, formal event ,gift for wife.

Red Block Heel Sandals

Block heel sandals take you from day to night with ease. Get the look with our range of block heels, block heel sandals, suede block heel sandals. Block heels at FSJ offering the modern energy, style and personalized service of FSJ shoes, in an enhanced, easy-to-navigate shopping experience.

Red color – A symbol of sex, vitality, passion and joy. Red shoes is suitable for wedding, dancing club,gift for new year,Christmas Day.

Esse modelo oferece melhor estabilidade ao caminhar, ficam bem com short, saia, vestido calça, muito versátil e democrático. É possível usar, passar algumas horas em pé e manter a elegância. (rsrs)

Dei uma pesquisada aqui e li que eles virão com tudo em 2019 também, então guarde seu salto amiga porque você usará até gastar.

This model offers better stability when walking, look good with short, skirt, dress pants, very versatile and democratic. It is possible to wear, spend a few hours standing and maintain elegance. (rsrs)

I’ve researched here and read that they will come up with everything in 2019 too, so save your friendly jump because you’ll wear it up to spend.

Gostaram dos modelos que selecionei na loja FSJ Shoes? Visitem o site e conheçam mais, tem outros modelos lindos, sapatilhas, sandálias, botas. Para todos os gostos e estilos.

Do you like the models I selected in the FSJ Shoes store? Visit the site and know more, there are other beautiful models, sneakers, sandals, boots. For all tastes and styles.

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